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Learn More About Pet-Supportive Workplace Study

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Photo by Grace Marie Photography



Thank you for being here. You are here either because you are currently experiencing the grief we are in, care about someone who has lost a pet and are not sure how to best support them, or want to be a part of spreading love and kindness. 


None of the below are meant to be a playbook for how to best handle pain, or a magic pill to take it all away from yourself or whomever you care about. Instead, these are tools to help inspire thinking, considerations, and ways to lean in with love for your friends and family going through this, or if you are going through a hard time; how to ask for help and lean on them.


There are more resources coming and you may even find some areas that need updating on this site, but grief and pain is happening every day. I felt compelled to share what I do have with you now. With all my love, I hope the below is helpful for you. 

Friends in Nature

Family and Friends

These resources are for you. They will help you support your loved one going through the loss of a pet.​​

Why pet loss hurts resource
How to support someone going through pet loss resource
Gift Guide for supporting someone through pet loss

Workplace Support

These resources are for how to proactively inspire employers to include pet bereavement leave into policy and team training on how to support a colleague.

How to get your HR department to include pet bereavement leave
Team training on how to support coworkers surviving pet loss


Lifelong friendship

Pet Parent Support

Everything you are going through is real pain and real trauma.


There is more coming, but for now I hope to validate how you're feeling.

Pet Owners Resource for knowing this pain is very real
Clinical Dog Examination

Veterinary Clinic Support

We know you have a lot going on and care so deeply.


These are materials are considerations and team training.

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Embrace the power of vulnerability and order your copy today

Working With the Best Partners

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